Dreamland is a multidisciplinary orchestral performance around the world of Coney Island, an American amusement park located in Brooklyn, which had its heyday at the beginning of the 20th century and has been in decline ever since. In an abandoned amusement park setting, the art of miniature and performance art together bear the story of a great movement. The spectators circulate like omniscient giants around a breathtaking fantastic island with a thousand mini-mechanics. In this multidisciplinary arena, eight performers interact with the model and each other in a choreography of sound and visual actions, amplified via the screens and the sound system. Simultaneously ambulatory, installation, performance, theatre, cinema, and musical show, Dreamland is a real carnival revisited, both playful and tortured.
Dreamland was created in September 2016 at Théâtre Périscope.
Video : Alexandre Berthier
Partenaires : Conseil des arts du Canada, gouvernement du Québec et Ville de Québec dans le cadre de l’Entente de développement culturel, LANTISS
- Texte, idée originale et mise en scène
- Théâtre Rude Ingénierie
- Conseil artistique
- Patrick Caux
- Conception de la machine
- Théâtre Rude Ingénierie
- Décor et miniatures
- Théâtre Rude Ingénierie en collaboration avec Vano Hotton
- Environnement sonore
- Frédéric Auger
- Éclairages
- Keven Dubois
- Vidéo
- Alexandre Berthier, Olivier Bolduc-Coutu
- Distribution
- Josiane Bernier, Bruno Bouchard, Philippe Lessard Drolet, Danya Ortmann, Fabien Piché, Pascal Robitaille